Local Incentives:
Local Economic Development Grants
Montgomery County, Virginia strives to maintain healthy existing businesses and works to promote new business locations employing a vibrant and educated workforce. Business investment in Montgomery County-Blacksburg-Christiansburg results in an improved tax base to public services, career opportunities, economic diversity, new ideas, business exports, and new money in the local economy. Montgomery County’s incentive policy incorporates community assets into companies either expanding or establishing new locations in the County. Montgomery County seeks to ensure quality city investment into projects matching the region’s competitive advantages and results in viable opportunities for the local workforce.
Based on if the company is a targeted industry with above median wage jobs, Montgomery County will consider offering Economic Development Grants. The Grants are based on a percentage of new taxes paid on new investment made in the community for up to ten (10) years. The investment may be in land, building, machinery and tools of business personal property.
Expanding companies located in Montgomery County or new industry seeking a home in the County should contact the Economic Development office to discuss our incentive programs. Economic Development Grants are not provided for retail or restaurants.
For more information, contact the Montgomery County Economic Development Department at 540-382-5732.