Sites & Buildings

Industrial & Research Parks

Use map below to view industrial and research parks in Montgomery County, Virginia. Parks are highlighted in different colors. Map allows users to zoom in/out and includes satellite, terrain and Google Earth viewing.

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Blacksburg Industrial Park

The only industrially zoned property within the incorporated Town of Blacksburg.  The park is within one mile of the Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center and has direct access to VA Route 460.  Blacksburg Industrial Park is home to several large corporations and small high-tech firms as well as Virginia Tech research institutes.  View Website    

Christiansburg Industrial Park

A 109 acre general industrial park with direct access to Interstate 81, Exit 118C.  The park is zoned General Industrial (I-2) by the Town of Christiansburg and is served by all major utilities.  View Available Properties

Elliston-Lafayette Industrial Park

A general industrial park located in the unincorporated community of Elliston-Lafayette.  The park is zoned Manufacturing by Montgomery County and is served by all major utilities.  Access to Interstate 81, Exit 128 (Ironto) is within two miles of the park via North Fork Road.  View Available Properties

Falling Branch Corporate Park

A 175 acre industrial park located in the incorporate Town of Christiansburg with direct access to Interstate 81, via Exit 118A, and VA Route 460.  The park has pre-graded, shovel ready sites available for sale ranging from 4 to 20 acres. All sites are zoned General Industrial (I-2) by the Town of Christiansburg and are served by electric power, natural gas, water, waste water sewer, telecommunications and regional storm water pond.

Virginia Tech Corporate Research Center

A 230-acre research/business park located adjacent to Virginia Tech's main campus and is zoned Research & Development by the Town of Blacksburg.  The park is home to over 180 technology-based companies and research centers, which collectively employ more than 3,000 workers.  The VTCRC has suites available for lease with flexible leasing terms.  The research park is a member of the Academy of Outstanding Research Parks and was named a winner of the 2016 'Best University Research Parks in the South' by Southern Business & Development magazine. Learn More

Contact Us

The Montgomery County Department of Economic Development (MCDED) offers a number of free and confidential services and resources to help companies large and small. We welcome the opportunity to provide direct assistance to companies interested in starting, expanding or relocating a business in Montgomery County, Blacksburg and Christiansburg. Contact us today!